Our products: DasDa
- DasDa - No.005 - SonnenblumePaprika 1000g with 16% Paprika
- DasDa - No.008 - RoteBete 1000g with 39% Rote Bete Saft and 11% Rote Bete
- DasDa - No.012 - Kürbis 1000g with 13% Kürbis and 1,3% Kürbiskernöl
- DasDa - No.014 - ApfelNuss 1000g with 34% Apfelsaft; 4,7% hazelnuts; 4,7% Walnuss and 4,7% Erdnusskerne
- DasDa - No.015 - SauerkrautBacon 1000g with 22% Sauerkraut and 7% Schinkenspeck
- DasDa - No.017 - RotweinCheddar 1000g with 38% Rotwein and 11% Cheddar
- DasDa - No.019 - GingerBread - LebkuchenBrot 1000g
- DasDa - No.026 - HotDog 1000g with 11% Senf; 9% Wiener Würstchen and 4,7% Gewürzgurken
- DasDa - No.036 - SchmorKohl 1000g with 24% Weißkraut
- DasDa - No.042 - Rosenkohl 1000g with 24% Rosenkohl
- DasDa - No.050 - ScharferHirte 1000g with 10% Fetakäse and 6% Peperoni
- DasDa - No.055 - WildkräuterGorgonzola 1000g with 11% Wildkräutersalat and 5% Gorgonzola
- DasDa - No.056 - HaselnussMarone 1000g with 10% Maronen and 6% hazelnuts